The MUST outputs

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Integrated solutions 

Our methods and practical tools to implement multispecies transitions

MUST solutions (S) to achieving a just green transition include:

  • Experiential methods for learning and communicating about multispecies needs in NBS planning, used to build understanding of the consequences of biodiversity loss affecting society (WPs 2,6).

  • Spatial approaches to elicit and integrate the diverse values of nature informing a MUST Platform (audio-visual interface) for negotiating multispecies transitions (WPs 1, 3-4).

  • Cross-sectoral, nature inclusive governance frameworks, including a MUST Compass, an online tool enabling the tracking and coordination of NBS strategies, policies and actions (WPs 5-6), as a basis for assessing the resilience of societal actors and monitoring biodiversity actions across cities and regions (WPs 5-6).

  • MUST Capacity Building and Outreach Program for enabling biodiversity conservation at different levels in society. Solutions will be co-created in the MUST Lab.

 Scientific publications

 A depository of our latest research results

Raymond, C.M., Rautio, P., Fagerholm, N. et al. (2025). Applying multispecies justice in nature-based solutions and urban sustainability planning: Tensions and prospectsnpj Urban Sustain 5, 2.

Vainio, K.K., Takala, T., Limpens, J. et al. (2025). Green companions: Affordances of human–tree relationships. Ambio.

Solé, L., Hearn, K.P., Witra, T., Lechner, A.M., & Fagerholm, N. (2025). Balancing landscape values and tourism choices: Integrating participatory mapping and the IPBES Values Typology. Ambio.

Cimatti, M., Mezzanotte, V., Heikkinen, R., Hällfors, M., Karger D., & Di Marco, M. (2024). The accelerating exposure of European protected areas to climate change. bioRxiv 2024.11.25.625168

Kervinen, A., Hohti, R., Rautio, P., Saari, M. H., Tammi, T., & Aivelo, T. (2024). Ratty places – unsettling human-centeredness in ecological inquiry with young people. Environmental Education Research, 30(7), 1129–1146.

Määttänen, A., Hällfors, M., & Kemppinen, J.. (2024). Geodiversity is an inseparable but underutilized part of connectivity in nature conservation amid climate change. Authorea.

Pliushchik, M. Tammi, T. & Rautio, P. (2024). Imagining well with almonds and honeybees in the Capitalocene – five multispecies movements for environmental and sustainability education. The Journal of Environmental Education, 55:1, 38-51

Riley, K., Jukes, S. & Rautio, P. (Eds.) (2024) A special issue of Australian Journal of Environmental Education on Relational Ontologies and Multispecies Worlds: Transdisciplinary Possibilities for Environmental Education

Tammi, T., Hohti, R., & Saari, M. (2024). Imagination switch – Friction and thick time in speculative worldmaking. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 1–14

Other resources & Publications

A selection of useful materials

Hautamäki, R. et al. (2024) Ekologinen kytkeytyvyys ja luonnon monimuotoisuus alueidenkäytön suunnittelussa. (In Finnish, translated: ‘Ecological connectivity and biodiversity in land use planning’)

Uimonen, L. (2024) Laho kaupunkiluonnon monimuotoisuuden indikaattorina. (In Finnish, translated: ‘Dead wood as an indicator for biodiversity in the city’)
Multispecies justice: What is it?
State-of-play report 2024 (in Finnish)